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Happy Father's Day!

on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 18:37

First and foremost, I'd like wish a very happy day to all the daddys out there! Today my boys and I worked on part #2 of our Father's Day projects. Part #1 was a little mini photo session of the boys so he could have updated pictures for his office. 

Our Andrew is a man of pattern and routine... and he has taken to having the same breakfast every morning. He makes up a bulk batch of these breakfast burritos. This is usually a chore he takes care of himself, sometimes with my help.

What to expect...

on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 18:05

When I started redesigning the website I made the decission that I was include a blog as well. Now this isn't my first attempt at a blog, I've failed at attempts at a personal blog before. But I've got loads of ideas for content for this one, so hopefully it won't go stale like the ones in the past!

So what sort of big plans do I have for this space? Why, I'd love to tell you all about it! I looking for this to be more then *just* a spot to feature the adorable families I photograph.